Play Wild West Milfs

Wild West Milfs

Wild West Milfs

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Bethany Bigguns and her gang planned on riding into a small town to commit another bank robbery, but the Townsfolk caught wind of their approach. So the towns own megatitted sheriff, Rowdy Rhonda, conscripted the Townsfolk and then planned an ambush for when Bethany and her gang would ride in. The plan worked, and Bethany's gang was decimated, but only Bethany survived and was able to escape. The Townsfolk objected to Rowdy Rhonda going after Bethany Bigguns by herself, but the arrogant sheriff wanted the glory of capturing the outlaw to help further her reputation. So she got on her own horse, and pursued after Bethany. However Bethany had a good head start, and was able to toss some dynamite in a river which blew apart a small dam, which in turn, caused the river to flood making it imposibble for anyone else to cross. This only bought Bethany some time though, as there was a bridge thay was a mile away that would be unaffected by the flood. Bethany knew that Rhonda would cross that bridge, and it would only be a matter of time before she would catch up to her. As Bethany rode on, wondering what to do next, she saw an oddly shaped wagon being driven by an even odder looking man.

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